“Nuka Experts” with Robotherapy

“Nuka Experts” with Robotherapy

BEST PROJECT OF GOOD PRACTICES – ACDGal (Asociación de Centros de Día de Galicia)

The practice is a central part of Atendo´s corporate social responsability

"Nuka Experts" with roboterapy | Atendo


To train older people in robotherapy is intended to change the way children look at older people and stop seeing them with the stereotypes that have been transmitted for years

To carry it out, a group of elderly users of Atendo services visit schools giving participatory talks to children about robotherapy taking the Nuka robot seal with them. Employees of the company and elderly volunteers from other community entities also participate in the process.

The positive aspects of this practice not only have an impact on the children who participate, also on users and workers of the centers we visit.


The training of older people as «Nuka Experts» consists of classes with three training areas: Cognitive Impairment, Dementias, Robotherapy and Intergenerational Activities.

Once the training is finished, the volunteers  realize interventions with Nuka as a therapist in groups of colleagues from the center who present cognitive impairment.


These practices are very interesting and enriching for all participants as they discover issues about get older and cognitive decline that help to understand their  situation and the situation of other people. This practice improves coexistence through the promotion of empathy and real knowledge as well as the desire to help others.

In the schools, the students have an experiential experience with Nuka, under the support and supervision on the  «Nuka Experts team», living a space of fun and complicity.  

At the end of the training, the participants recieve a diploma and recognition as Nuka Experts with roboterapy



Who participates?

  • Users are informed of all aspects of the project so they can decide participate or not. Any Atendo user can participate having or not any type of cognitive and/ or physical impairment.
  • Atendo´s workers who decides participate as volunteers
  • ONG´s volunteers, neighbors, family and friends.
  • Schools

Who benefits?

  • Older people, families, professionals, people with disabilities or in a situation of dependency and society in general. The practice is intended to impact childhood  to cause a change in  how girls and bous see older people, so in the future their actions and decisions are free of ageism, and create meeting space  between different generations.

Nuka is the medium we use to generate intergenerational relationships to project a new image of older people. Nuka is a robot baby seal that reacts with sound and movements to human interaction through the senses.

It is used in Atendo in three areas: Cognitive and Physical Stimulation and States of Agitation. 

"Nuka Experts" with roboterapy | Atendo
Expertos en Nuka | Roboterapia

The practice began with a first promotion of «Experts  Team 2018»  in Vigo day center and schcools. 
As a result, they extended to schools in the province of Pontevedra, and then in Ourense and A Coruña 

IES Colegio Vicente Risco

Now at day “Nuka at school” is part of Atendo´s corporate social responsibility, and it is a project that the entire company is proud of the success and impact it has had.

Atendo has initiatives incoming for the well- being of people in need of suport, respecting their dignity, rights, their interest and preferences, and counting on their effective participation. 

25 elderly volunteers, 15 volunteer workers, 6 institutions and 11 schools have participated in this training.

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